
Portfolio statistics


Treasury chart an approximate number and its a mix of all the tokens, assets converted to USDC from their native coins. Liquid treasury : 23.95 % of total value. (includes $2000 on 1/1 BASC based trading account)

Total Treasury Value = $15819*

As of Aug 13(33), Solana = $24.5 & Ethereum = $1838

As of Aug 20(34), Solana = $21.6 & Ethereum = $1680

As of Aug 27(35), Solana = $20.75 & Ethereum = $1650

As of September 3(36), Solana = $19.6 & Ethereum = $1640

*As of September 10(37), Solana = $18.4 & Ethereum = $1610


Irrespective to the treasury value, the realized profit from our limited working capital(<0.5k) and different profit avenues. 50% of the profit will be distributed with the dolphins.

Last updated